Circles of Security

What is it?

The “father” of attachment theory, John Bowlby, said this about attachment:

"Intimate attachments to other human beings are the hub around which a person's life revolves, not only as an infant or a toddler or a schoolchild but throughout adolescence and years of maturity as well, and on into old age. From these intimate attachments a person draws strength and enjoyment of life and, through what he contributes, gives strength and enjoyment to others. These are matters about which current science and traditional wisdom are at one."

Bowlby, J. (1980) Attachment and Loss: Volume 1. Attachment. Basic Books: New York.)

What is included in the program?

Circles of Security is an 8- session psycho- educational program focused on helping caregivers reflect upon infant and young children’s attachment needs to promote secure attachment with a child. The following principles underlie the CoS-P model of intervention:

Attachment problems in infancy and early childhood increase the probability of psychopathology later in life.

Secure attachment relationships with caregivers are a protective factor for infants and preschoolers, setting the foundation for social competence and promoting effective functioning of the emotion regulation and stress response systems.

The quality of the attachment relationship is amenable to change.

Learning, including therapeutic change, occurs from within a secure base relationship.

Lasting change in the attachment relationship comes from caregivers’ developing specific relationship capacities rather than learning techniques to manage behaviour.

All caregivers want what is best for their children.

About Us

Most of us have thought about how our future families might look. However, most of us don’t envisage experiencing infertility, loss, trauma, or mental health concerns. Planning and having a baby is often a time of transition and stress. Brighter Beginnings Psychology & Wellbeing opened our doors in 2005 to support clients with these challenges in mind.

We also offer treatment for mental health conditions outside of the perinatal period and our clinicians hold special interests in supporting couples, supporting clients within the LGBTQIA community and working alongside clients undertaking weight loss journeys, including bariatric surgery.

We also offer treatment for mental health conditions outside of the perinatal period.

Let’s work

At Brighter Beginnings we run Circles of Security Parenting programs in both individual and group formats, both online and in person on the Gold Coast and in Canberra.

Our next CoS-P programs dates are:

Please contact us below to express your interest in attending one of our online or face to face courses.